Did you happen to miss last weeks workshop on what to expect from health professional programs? No need to worry! Click on the recording link below to replay the presentation by Career Coach, Kyle Schramm! In this recording, you will uncover the following:
- The application process for health professional schools
- Preparing for interviews and entrance exams
- The academic and clinical expectations once admitted
Attendees will also gain access to essential tools and resources to help them succeed in their application and studies.
This recording is tailored for undergraduate students considering a career in health professions, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and more. By attending, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the steps needed to prepare and thrive in health professional school.
Check out the Zoom recording here: https://ufl.zoom.us/rec/share/exliqqW9eb49GbSOQYzFrBn1A3zCGHJrEFi5dJnvgADkAvRFWEdMOkYBLKBG-z-Q.k4TNCz5E7y9jbstF?startTime=1731008053000