
Associated Builders and Contractors

Student Clubs

The purpose of Associated Builders and Contractors is to promote academic and career related opportunities within the construction industry. The …

American Society of Landscape Architects – Student Chapter

Student Clubs

We are a group of Landscape Architecture students at the University of Florida focused on creating a lasting impact in …

American Institute of Architecture Students

Student Clubs

The purpose of AIAS is to promote excellence in architecture education, training, and practice, to foster an appreciation of architecture …

Forestry Graduate Student Organization

Student Clubs


Community of graduate students in the Forest Resources & Conservation major in SFRC Collection of helpful resources …

Plant Pathology Graduate Student Organization

Student Clubs

The Plant Pathology Graduate Student Organization (PPGSO) is a student run association for all graduate students in the Plant Pathology …

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Organization

Student Clubs

To support the graduate students in the Program of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. FAS-GSO accomplishes this goal by promoting interaction …

Environmental Horticulture Graduate Student Association

Student Clubs

EHGSA’s mission is:

To establish an open continuous dialogue with the faculty of Environmental Horticulture and graduate students, in order …

Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association

Student Clubs

The Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association (ASGSA) is active in promoting career development, academic success, and social interaction between graduate …

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Student Organization

Student Clubs

The ABE Department has an active, engaged group of students who help organize events, activities, mentoring, service projects and many …