Learn about Portfolios


A portfolio is either a physical or digital compilation of your academic/professional work and experiences that communicates your skills and expertise in an interactive way to future employers, graduate and professional schools, and more.

There are three main types of portfolios that students at the University of Florida focus on creating:

  • Art Portfolios
  • Teaching Portfolios
  • General/Professional Portfolios

A number of content management platforms are available for free such as Wix, Google sites, Weebly, and WordPress for students to use in developing digital portfolios.


Art portfolios are samples of your academic and professional original work that demonstrates your skill set within the visual arts, design, film, and more. These types of portfolios are generally more engaging as they demonstrate your creativity and the types of methods you have studied throughout your time at UF.

Teaching portfolios are generally for Graduate-level students and they are meant to digitally showcase your teaching and professional strengths and effectiveness as a teacher. Teaching Portfolios are typically required for academic positions, especially those that are focused on teaching at the college level. Parts of your teaching portfolio can include teaching documentation like syllabi, professional development opportunities, teaching statement and more.

Learn more about Teaching Portfolios.

General/Professional portfolios can vary based on the intended industry or career path of each student. These physical or digital portfolios can include blogs, writing samples, pictures, videos, and reflective pieces to show the learning and development that has occurred through different on and off campus experiences such as study abroad, internships, and student organization involvement.

Learn more about General/Professional Portfolios.

Attention STEAM Students!

The Spring Career Showcase is just around the corner—are you ready to shine? Prepare for success by participating in career readiness events and receiving personalized guidance from our Career Connection Center experts: STEAM Pathways Career Coach Karissa Singh and STEM …

By Crystal Burton
Crystal Burton
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Crafting An Architecture Portfolio – Workshop Summary and Recording

On Monday, September 9, 2024 the Career Connections Center hosted a workshop covering the fundamentals for creating an effective architecture portfolio that could be used in a job or internship search process. The portfolio is a critical piece of the …

By Gabby Diaz-Portalatin
Gabby Diaz-Portalatin Assistant Director for Integrated Career Solutions
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7 Important College Experiences Students Should Include in Professional Portfolios

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

A common complaint from college graduates today is that employers expect too much experience for entry-level jobs. They have classes to attend and papers to write, social events, and possibly even part-time jobs. So, …

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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Career Resources

UT Austin provides a thorough guide to developing an architecture portfolio from scratch using Adobe InDesign.

This guide provides information for portfolios that are used by those in architecture and related fields. The primary focus is …

Contact & Location


J. Wayne Reitz Union
Suite 1300
PO Box 118507
Gainesville, FL 32611-8507

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm

We are located on Level 1 of the Reitz Union.